Wednesday 16th
I finished work early and headed to the airport, luckily as it was before rush hour there was not too much traffic on the road. Parking in the pick up drop off point, I was able to sneak up to Shelina and Anish. Heading on home I tried to point out a few of the sights until I pulled up in Dukerron Ave and into the house.
Bhavni was not home, so we sat for a while, though they were hungry and raided the nahsto. The gardener that we had asked to come round came around 5.30 for a look at the garden and the work needed to be done. Bhavni came just a little after he had left.
We had dinner – indian and salad with avocados – which the guys had missed before catching up. Later in the evening we let them pack for the next day.
Thursday 17th
We had to leave the house by around 5.20am to get to the airport – it was still dark outside. We dropped the car in the park and ride, just getting on a departing bus and checked into the flight to Queenstown before 6am.. Our flight was at around 7.20. so we had a time to get a coffee and some food – Anish went and got something from McDonald. Another easy flight into Queenstown, though not quite as great a view as when we went last as we seemed to descend later.
After picking up the bags we picked up the car, it was a bit old. We headed to the hotel first, though it was not even 10am, to see if we could put our stuff away. Luckily they managed to get a room ready for us (though it took 20 mins and not the 10mins they had said), so we put the bags in the room and then headed on out into town.

While we were waiting in the hotel, Bhavni was talking to the person behind the counter of the tourism desk.
We wished we had pre-booked the Gondola with him as that was were we next headed as it was really busy. But first we had to park. There was no parking available outside the Gondola and lots of people trying to park, so we tried a few other streets before dropping Bhavni and Shelina to get the tickets, while Anish and I looked for parking. We tried going around to no avail, I think Anish was more stressed then I was which is saying something. Getting back to the Gondola parking – eureka – someone was pulling out – we got parking right outside. We joined the guys in the queue and got our tickets (plus two luge rides also).

Getting on to the top, the weather was closing a bit, but was still ok, so we went straight to the Luge ride. After explaining how the luge works we were away – I led, but as usual speed demon Bhavni was catching up. We got to the bottom, but had to wait as Shelina (AKA Miss Daisy) came down. Well after convincing her to try again, we went up. While they made us wait (for the family queue to be dealt with) we started to get drizzled upon. So it was a wet track we went down – the steeper track. It was more fun, though I managed to derail myself right at the end in the slow pits! Anish and Shelina came down together and faster then I expected. It was nice to go inside as it had started to rain properly and we headed to the restraunt area downstairs rather than the busy cafe upstairs where we sat and ordered some hot chocolates each. Shelina managed to dislodge the heater – but no-one else noticed.

We watched the rain clouds go past in the warmth, before it cleared up again and we went and took some pictures from outside. As the weather seemed to be improving we left and headed down to the car – which we moved (and found parking for) so that we could have a walk around town.
We had a walk around town, looking at the various shops (particularly outdoor clothing). We then went to the cafe we had been to before, getting some Mexican churos with chocolate. It was quite breezy and we were in the shade outside, so we all were trying to edge towards the sun.
After looking at a restaurant (and not getting far with the booking as they just were refusing to understand our question), we went to “The Cow” who said that just turn up – Dinner Sorted.

Around 4pm We headed to “Onsen Hot Pools”, up Arthurs point road, and past the Shot Over river. This was a spa pool (in a wooden pool with jets) that we had booked, which overlooked the river. When we got there though the power was off, apparently it had just gone out. We were offered a choice of going in straight away while the water was hot, but we declined and decided to wait and see if it would go back on. Well in the mean time we sat outside and looked at one of the jet boats going across the river and the owners gave us some complimentary tea while we waited. Luckily just before 5pm (when we had booked) the power came back on and we got to go in. It was interesting as the roof could be opened (and we did after the drizzle that came through as it got a little hot in the end).
After our hour was up and we had got ready, we headed back (looking at the expensive restaurant next door which had not much vegetarian food on offer). We stopped at the shotover jet boat and had a look at the river there before continuing to town, where we went to “The Cow”. The garlic bread was not as impressive in size as the one in Wanaka, however the food was nice. We then went back to the hotel for an early night.
Friday 18th

It was another early start as we had to aim to get to Manpuri for 7.30am, meaning that we were out of the hotel by just after 5.30am in the dark. It was an interesting drive going past Lake Wakatipu and seeing the snow in the twilight on some of the mountains. Anish and Shelina knocked out. We got to Manpuri just after 7am and I got our tickets. We had a little time to chill and Bhavni took some photos and I decided today would be a day for contact lenses and sunglasses. We boarded the boat (which was run by Real Journeys) at 8am, and headed off on the half hour ride across the lake. Bhavni was constantly outside taking photos, whilst the rest of us alternated. It was quite a stunning sight and this was not even the sound.
We got to the other side and into the visitor centre there. Ahh – Sandflies – the place was full of them and we had not even thought about putting on repellent. Oh well, covering up as best as we could we had a look at the exhibits whilst the Real Journey group left. Out group then got on the coach and went into the Manapuri power station, along a road that wound down under the plant.

We got out of the coach and into the viewing gallery of the power station (balmy at around 30C) where we were given a talk on the power station before looking at some of the exhibits.
From there we headed back on the coach for the trip over Wilmot Pass and onto Deep Cove. We had a viewing stop at the top of Wilmot pass, with a stunning view onto the sound. The driver even made everyone stand still and listen to the bird calls there.

At deep cove we boarded the small boat and headed on into Doubtful sound. It was a small boat and we could wonder to the front – ahead of the captain, inside and on the top deck. Helping our selves to the coffee, we sat back for the ride. Bhavni and I initially sat on a seat right near the front beside the captain, but I was tempted out the front. Suddenly Bhavni was beside me as they had spotted something ahead making some splashes; as we approached, the splashes started to approach and we saw that they were dolphins – the resident pod. They were very large and jumped in and out of the water on the way to the boat. They escorted the boat for a short while before disappearing into the dark water and leaving when we had cleared the area – apparently they were protecting the pregnant females.

The boat explored the sound going past the crooked arm and out into the Tasmin sea, rocking in the swells, before going back up the sound and into the crooked arm. We saw some seals and other birdlife as well as getting really close to some of the falls. I tried to stay outside as much as possible to admire the scenery, but because of the cool breeze the rest were inside for most of it.

Getting back to deep cove we got on the coach, and had a stop near a bridge on the road where we had a chance to take some photos. We then got to the visitor center and boarded the boat back to Manapouri.
From Manaphouri we drove up to Te-Anau where we filled up some petrol, before heading back to Queenstown. As we passed near Lake Wakatipu we stopped at someĀ of the lookouts – such as the Devils staircase and I was surprised to see that the snow on the mountains there had all but disappeared.
Back in Queenstown we parked – much less of a problem – before having a wonder and going to a restraunt called “Siam Thai”, which was surprisingly good. It was then back to the hotel. (Was meant to go to sleep but a movie was coming).
Saturday 19th

Although not as early a start as previously we left the hotel and checked out by around 7.20am. We drove down the SH6 and took a quick detour to go see Arrowtown, an old goldmining town, where we stopped in the main street and took some photos. Returning to the SH6, we were only on it for a bit as we took the Cardrona Valley Rd. The road wound up the hills over a pass and we got some amazing views back to Queenstown and the surrounding plains, we even stopped and faced the stiff breeze for some photos. From here we followed the valley with mountains to either side before emerging into the valley and Wanaka.

As we drove into Wanaka, Bhavni suddenly declared that she forgot that the Iron Man competition was on. Sure enough lots of the streets were cordoned off and we had to go in a little bit of a circle to find parking and get out for our breakfast stop. It was really sunny and hot – the competitors were on the bike stage, having already been swimming for an hour. Bhavni and I had a light breakfast in one of the shops, sitting outside and watching the proceedings, whilst Shelina and Anish went for a full breakfast at the next door cafe. Bhavni went and took some photos near the waterfront, before I joined her and we headed back to the guys and the car.

From Wanaka we joined the SH6 again and carried on towards Lake Hawea, which was slow going as this was the route for the Iron Man competition and cars were being very hesitant. Well eventually most cars turned off in the same direction as the course, so we had a clear run again, though we had our photo opportunities.

As we went through the beautiful scenery in Mt Aspiring national park, the weather started getting cloudy, and when we emerged on the west coast it was raining. We had a brief stop in Haast (Shelina and Anish were after some food and I wanted to fill up petrol). The drive to Fox Glacier was in continuous rain, but we got there around 1pm.
Originally I was thinking of doing a Heli Hike, but there was no way that this was going to happen, so after a lot of debating about whether it was worth going for a walk in the rain, 3 of us went on short glacier walk (Bhavni was being a mad person not wanting to go!).

I changed into my waterproofs (since they were packed) and we boarded the bus getting to the glacier face area. The way to the glacier had significantly changed since I was there last, with no need to climb into the forest and just a gentle scree slope to just above the ice. It was amusing that as we were going onto the ice, a rock slip occurred with fridge sized stones slipping. We had a nice walk on the ice – well we were fitter than most of the group of tourists (most from asia). Near the end the sun even came out and we had some nice views of the upper glacier.
Getting back to the township we met up with Bhavni (who had been to lake Matherson again) and we drove to Franz Joseph. Bhavni and I dropped the two at a restaurant called The Landing to get seats and order starters, whilst we drove to Franz Joseph Retreat and checked in. Back at the restaurant, Shelina ordered a plate of nachos and ate around 3 pieces….
We went to the accommodation and everyone sat around the tv as Rush Hour 2 was coming on, though I dont remember much of it as I slept through alot of it.
Sunday 20th

The morning dawned quite clear, and we had a lazy breakfast before leaving at around 8.30am. As we drove cloud had stared to appear. We stopped at the place Miten had a helicopter flight and we tried to see if we could have a flight. The weather and timing were not on our side (as we had to get to Christchurch), so we had to give up on the idea. It soon started to drizzle. Filling up at Hokitika we took the SH73 through Arthurs Pass. We were amazed at the rock slides and the areas of the road that were knocked out – all in the space of a couple of weeks since we had been there with Miten. Not soon after getting into the pass, the rain stopped and looking ahead was blue skies. In Arthurs pass we stopped at a lookout where there were a couple of Kias entertaining the tourists and soon Shelina and Anish.

From there I next stopped at the Castle Rocks, where we all got out in the now hot day and took some photos, though we did not have enough time to go all the way up to them. From there our next stop was at Springfield, where we stopped at the Cafe that we had stopped with Miten and had some drinks (Anish had a piece of quiche). The woman there remembered Bhavni from last time.
We drove on to Christchurch and had a quick look around at the devastated center, before going to drop the car off at around 3.30pm. The car rental place dropped us to the airport and we checked in, doing a little window shopping before boarding the plane.
Arriving in Auckland around 6.20pm we got the bus to the car and drove home having a simple meal of Shaak and Roti (leftovers).
Monday 21st
Bhavni and I had to go to work, so we left the house before the two were up. They went into town and got the ferry to Wahiki Island, enjoying wine tasting in the sunny weather. After they went to see the sunset from the Sky Tower.
Tuesday 22nd
I had to get up early to drop Shelina and Anish to Brotomart for 7ish so that they could get a coach as they were going for the day to going to Rotorua, where they had a nice day at the thermal spas. I picked them up around 9pm from the city.
Wednesday 23rd
Bhavni was off, so she spent the whole day with them, going to the Museum and Mission Bay. In the mean time the gardener came and did a good clear up.
In the evening we all went to dinner at the Blue Elephant, having a nice meal, though we ordered too much as usual. We then went over the harbour bridge for the view back to the city before finally going to Mt Eden for views of the city.
Thursday 24th
I had to say bye in the morning as out guests were leaving. Bhavni gave them a full breakfast before she dropped them to the airport (where they had another full breakfast).
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