Saturday 20th April
With Bhavni at work I went flying, only having a short flight as there was no easy list from a winch launch. David Hurst gave me a bit of a ahum look for circling in the circuit area at 600′.
Sunday 21st

It was initially meant to be a really wet day, but we had been assured by Peter it would be a good day, the day before. I had booked by self for an eye exam (free with the AA), so with Bhavni dropping me I found my self outside the Newmarket Specsavers even before it had opened. Quick exam later, I phoned Bhavni and met her and Peter on a bus just outside. We took the bus all the way to the city harbour and walked to the Voyager Maritime Museum, where we bought some tickets for the sailboat that goes out (with a huge discount as Peter is a volunteer).
Peter took us around to the part of the museum that displayed some sailboats and he showed us some of the boats he had learned on.

We got on the sail boat for the midday sailing trip and with the cannon fired there we were on our way. It was reasonably windy and we cruised out of the birth on the engine, before the sails were put up on the boat. I got to help raise the sail – not that bad, but apparently it was meant to be a hard job…. (we were helping a trainee, so it was amusing with the chain of command)
We sailed all the way past the harbour bridge, watching the great number of ships sailing around, including a few really sleep boats, overtaking us.

We got back to the dock after about an hour and we had managed to avoid any rain so far, all three of us went and had a drink in the cafe there (tea for us two), talking away.
Peter had to go home, so we said bye and went back to the museam and had a look at the exhibits. The Americas Cup sailboat had pride of place, but there was lots of information about ships such as the Beagle and people such as Captain Cook and Abel Tasman.

After seeing the museum, we walked to the Viaduct Event Centre as peter had recommended the walkway as a place to get a nice picture. We walked along the viaduct waterfront to silo park before sitting and having some food which we had taken with us.
We walked back to Britomart and caught the bus home. It started raining just a little while after we got back.
Thursday 25th
It was Anzac day. Bhavni was at work. I spent the day planning the next holiday and did some gardening, well weeding mostly.
Friday 26th
In the evening we went to the cinema to watch Iron Man 3.
Saturday 27th / Sunday 28th
The weekend was spent at home for me doing some Holiday planning.