Sunday 22nd
Woke up early and got the taxi at 3.30am to go to the airport, and after a bit of confusion got into the correct terminal and went to check in. At the check in desk, we got asked where is Bhavnis Visa for SA…. Now from the UK as she is a resident there, she does not need a visa to go to SA, but from here they wanted one. Well there was nothing that could be done there even after we went and talked to many of the immigration staff, so we phoned home and told them we had a problem, and waited for the driver. Well in the mean time the flight that we would have been on was canceled. Kanti Mama was getting in from London (he was delayed), so we met him and the driver and went back to Kanti Mamas then Surya Masis. With Kanti Mama and Dad we went to see where the SA embassy was, for the next day, before going home and moping around. Eventually we went for some ice cream at snow cone – that included all at Surya Masis house, then Kanti Mama, Mom, Dad, Bhavni and I went for a Indian meal, before the parents headed back to Nyeri.
Monday 23rd
We woke up early and went with Kanti Mama and his ‘apprentice’ to the SA embassy, where Bhavni went in to apply. They refused to give Bhavni a visa the same day and would only give one for Wednesday. They were so rude they reduced Bhavni to tears.
After we went to KQ office and changed our flight to go out Wednesday night (the other flight was canceled so we had a free change). We went home and started to rearrange our itinerary. Late at night we went with Kanti Mama to Art Cafe for a milkshake, they were closing and we were the last customers.
Tuesday 24th
We went into town in the lovely sun to SAA offices to rearrange our flight out of Port Elizabeth in SA, before we went to Lake Nevrasha. We wanted to get to Hells Gate national park, which was just after, but as we got to high ground the rain started and got really heavy, so we stopped at a lodge for some tea. One of the guides said that Hells Gate would be closed especially as in the rain the day before some people had got swept away in flash floods.
We brought the rain with us to Nirobi and just relaxed at Surya Masis.
Wednesday 25th
Collected Bhavnis visa from the embassy and went home to finalise the packing. Kanti Mama came for lunch and we said bye to him before going to the airport. As we got there really heavy rain was falling with little viability, but we made it in good time and checked in. The plane was a little delayed as even the pilot got stuck because of the rain. It was a good flight and after getting the prearranged taxi, we went to Meeras house. At the gate to her compound we heard a screech and looking behind us was a police car – doing a 3 point turn – was it a real police car or just dodgy cops ? We were met by Birju and Mira and had a nice cuppa before going to sleep for a few hours.