Wednesday 5th August – Tuesday 11th August
The 5th started like a normal day – got to work before 7.30am and had most of the morning before leaving at 11am. Our taxi pickup (for parentage, Bhavni and I) arrived at 1.30pm, for Heathrow T2. In the airport we surprised parentage by seeing them in the lounge. Soon it was time to fly, to Istanbul, then Nairobi.

We arrived on the morning of the 6th at 7.30ish and after getting out, we were picked up by a taxi for a surprisingly short trip to Bidwood apartments where we were staying. After a brief rest and freshening up, we went to Mitens new apartment, for a blessing ceremony, where we met everyone. After we went to slush for pizza and bujyas. The girls left first, then the rest slowly left. I left an hour later with Miten. We went to Surya Masi’s house and did some other errands before getting back to the apartments and getting ready for the informal dinner in the evening. Rishul and Rakhee just were not going to make it today, as there were no spaces on standby, so they booked a real ticket, and we figured out what of our stuff they could leave for Rakesh to take back. I spent some time making chocolate box replacements.

The morning of the 7th we went to OC for the Lagnotri. This is after sorting up Mitens bad wardrobe choices. I did not realise I would be on stage so much. After the late lunch, we had a bit of time back at Bidwood. We then got ready, then spent time getting Miten ready (man not sharp). Rishul and Rakhee had arrived and had got our bag for the clothes tonight. We then went back to the OC for the meet and greet reception, which involved standing in a line shaking hands for a while.
On the 8th, we had lunch at the OC. After we had a bit of time at Bidwood, where we got Miten organised (hey sage, I like your trousers – I’m taking that). We then had to convoy to the Lions Club as only Meera knew where it was. Was a late drunken night, with trying to get the polorieds working somewhere in there and Mitens and Bijals first dance.

We had a day on the 9th with no official events, but a Karoga at “Curry in Hurry” where we had plenty of food. We had a brief visit to Bijals cousins party.
The morning of the 10th, we were at the OC for the Mandwho, where I had to be on stage again. After we had a photo session for the nearly wedded couple, before lunch. In the evening we had dinner (Kantis) at the OC.
D Day – the 11th. We were up nice and early and I went down to make sure the breakfast buffet for everyone was set up – which of course it was not, but eventually it was set up, and even another wedding party started to use it. Miten was finally stressed in the morning due to Kenyan timing to get to OC. When there, things moved quickly again, and it was fun as the Jaan entered from a large disco party bus. Again I was on stage lots, and soon enough Miten and Bijal were married. We went to Mitens flat in progress for the walking in ceremony, though we had to wait 25mins for the builders to open up the building. Bhavni and I went and got changed before the dinner at OC. In the evening we went to a hotel for drinks, before bidding bye for the night to the married couple.
Wednesday 12th Aug

A day to chill. We picked up Meera from her parents house and drove to village market, where we had a coffee and deserts after some brief window shopping. In the evening we went visiting where we had dinner – pani puri and masala dosa. We left nearly at 12am for the apartments.
Thursday 13th Aug

Today was a really early start – I had the alarm go off at 4.30, as Miten had said that he wanted to be on the road by 6am. Breakfast again was the weird slow affair it always was, with Rishul and Rakhee being first down and served after us. Our 3 land cruisers arrived at 5.40ish, but it was still after 6am before we were loading up. One of the land cruisers went directly to Bijals house, whilst the other two went to get ice from Nakumet UK first. After loading up all the others there, we hit the road – 6.40am. Most of us in our Land Cruiser (Miten, Bijal, Rishul, Rakhee, Bhavni and I) were asleep soon enough, but woke up (well I woke them up) as we got to the rift valley for some photos. Still it was a long way to go, so we entertained our selves on the way with some music.

We tuned off the main road onto the dirt track – still a couple of hours to go. This was the hot dusty part, with the main excitement our cruiser being hit a little by another one. We arrived around 2pm at Tipilikwani camp, where we were shown to our rooms. They got it slightly wrong – we were given twin rooms and the single was a king size – so we swapped. After a quick freshening up we went and had some lunch, which had some nice soup.

It was then a 4pm game drive. It took 10 minutes to get into the park proper, but wow – wilderbeasts everywhere. We also had a a few of the usual gazelles, giraffes and zebras around. We managed to find a small pride of lions. We all were amused at how lazy the males seemed to be in the evening and how well they blended into the grasses. We also saw a few buffalo from afar. We then had a stop near the river to see any crocs and the hippos there from a high bank.

Finally we stopped in a grassy area and had had a champaign toast with all of us as the sun set. It was then a drive back to the lodge, but this time we got off at the bridge which went straight from the park to the buildings.
We had dinner (with a masi dance as well) before retiring to bed.
Friday 14th

So today we had decided to go on a morning balloon safari ride. Nilesh, Bindal, Jaiveer, Miten, Bijal, Nirav, Bhavni and I had booked on for the balloon ride. Bhavni and I were up at 4.30 again, as we had the pick up at 5am (though with Kenyan timing it was 5.15am) I even managed to fill up the hot bottle. The drive to the fig tree camp where the balloons took off from took about 20 minutes in the almost pitch black. At the camp we signed in and I had a coffee whilst we waited. After about 15 minutes there was a rush to get us out to the balloons in the fading twilight. We had the short walk to the balloon – number 6, which was piloted by “captain Brain”.

We had to get in the basket whilst it was lying sideways as there was quite a breeze going on. Soon the fire was on and the balloon was filling up. Brian told us to hold on as the balloon righted its self and after a couple of bounces we were aloft. Straight away we were over a giraffe – completely different view. We saw lots and lots of animals; the big herds of wilderbeasts, zebras, giraffes and even lions in the distance. From low down you could see animals clearly, but at the max hight of 2000′ they seemed like ants and were hard to make out often. We had quite a few photos taken whilst up there and it was nice to see the sun rise. We had to land before the Mara river, which gave us a good hour before our bumpy landing (better than other balloons which landed before).

We were then picked up from our landing site and driven to our champaign breakfast, having a mini safari on the way – as we saw Lions and hippos. We had the last table with a vegetarian food area for us – this was good as it felt more like sitting in the wilderness. Most of the food was good – except for something white which we could not figure out. Our amusement was an angry Chinese women who got upset when joining our queue when she saw someone picking up food with their hands – though she walked away soon when she realised it was all veg food. Brian gave us our certificates and tried to sell us a memory stick for $50.

We chilled for a while, until the rest of the group came and caught up with us. We jumped into the car with Bindal, Jaiveer and Nilesh, for the game drive. We saw quite a few of the herd animals around as we did our tour, slowly making our way to the mara river again. Here we saw some elephants eating the vegetation. They eventually left and we parked up for lunch here having a picknick. I was persuaded to have some wine. I had to make sure everyone picked up their rubbish in the end.

After lunch we drove to the top of a nearby hill which gave us a great lookout over the surrounds. We then drove to the Sand River crossing as we had heard the wilderbeasts were crossing there, but when we arrived they had stopped as their had been a kill. We saw the probable culprit for it – a lioness who crossed the river into the Serengeti.

From here we all slit up in different directions. Bhavni and I jumped ship into the jeep with Nirmal, Rajvi and Anji. It just so happened that Rishuls Jeep also followed us. We suddenly saw something we were not expecting – 2 Rhinos. We got some shots – but Rishul got better as his car followed them, whilst our driver went back for another Jeep, after they got too far from the road. With some more roaming around (and Bhavni recognised the area) we saw a cheetah.
We eventually got back at around 5, crossing the bridge into the camp. After a rest and freshening up we went for dinner (laughing at Rajvis slo mo video). There was also an anniversary cake served for one of Bijals cousins.
Saturday 15th

So we had the option of a morning game drive before heading back to Nairobi. Well I managed to wake up by 5am again, but Bhavni decided to have a lie in instead – she was not the only one. There was a low turnout with most other halves not coming (including Rakhee). The morning ride was relaxing – seeing most of the big herds around, but apart from some hyenas and wild cats not many other big game, only a few kills that we had missed. We got back to the camp around 9am, where I met Bhavni for breakfast. We had a little time to sort our bags as we were meant to be on our way at 10am.
So at 11am we were finally on our way back. It was a really long journey back – which included a 1hour stop for lunch at a chip place – serving chips with sauce and other things like mandezi. I had Nirav and Nirmal insisting on tieing my shoelaces together.

We got back to Nairobi at around 7pm at Surya Masi’s house. We cleaned ourselves up and went for dinner at 8.30 to a local Chinese restaurant (Bhavni and family and Rishul/Rakhee). We managed to get back to Bidwood by 11am for a stay (Rishuls old room which was fixed of any problems, but he had a room where they had forgotten to put the hot water on). Miten on the other hand did not get in until much later.
Sunday 16th

So today we were both down for breakfast by 6.30 in the morning (with Rishul and Rakhee already there). After the quick breakfast, we climbed on board the hired jeep that had arrived and went and dropped a load of bags to Surya Masi’s house (as we did not need them with us). From here we started our drive to Tsavo national park.

It was not too bad going getting out of Nairobi as it was a Sunday – though I had to remind Miten of the need to point out places as it was the first time for R&R. After a couple of hours on the Mobasa freeway, we turned of down the dusty road towards the camp. After nearly an hour we had to stop as there was a new GSM checkpoint. So instead of letting us go – the person in charge said we would have to wait till 1.30 until another convoy was due to arrive (im not sure it was helped by the driver being convinced before that we could not go through). After Miten phoned the camp and they phoned the guards – the situation changed – we could go through, but only with an armed escort. Apparently Jeeps are being hijacked in the short stretch into the park. Well we could not really get around that, so after much delay, we has a GSM officer in the Jeep with his rifle. 20 minutes later we arrived at the park entry – where we said bye to the armed guard. It was another 15 minute wait whilst the ranger made out a bill of payment for us. Finally we were through and soon enough at Finch Hatons – It was now 1.30pm.

Well it was nice arriving, we were shown to our luxury “tents” – talk about glamping – where we quickly freshened up and then found ourselves back for lunch. What a lot of food for lunch; we really enjoyed it. After we decided to go to the pool area, to relax. As usual Miten was running behind us. A gentleman was chilling in the shade, and asked me if I knew where Miten was – I said “he is just coming – and who are you ?” or words to that effect. He replied “Well Im…. well the chairman of this place”. Lol it was mitens Boss (boss). Anyway we had a small dip and chilled out there for a bit.

After we went to the watch tower for sunset, then made out way to our tents and got ready for the evening. Soon enough we found ourselves in front of the fire drinking a pre dinner cocktail, whilst a member of the camp played guitar. We then had our dinner which consisted of 6 courses. Not only that, but Mitens boss sent us a whole bottle of Dom Perignon, which actually was mostly drunk by Rishul and I.
After dinner, with most of us feeling sleepy, we went to the telescopes that they had and lazed around until we were all ready for bed – when we were escorted to our tents (as animals wonder the grounds), where we retired for the night.
Monday 17th

Today started of lazier. We woke up at 8.30 (which is kind of a big lie in so far). I managed to chill out overlooking the lake for a bit reading whilst Bhavni got ready. By 9.30 we went with Rishul and Rakhee to breakfast (as Miten and Bijal had only just woken up).
After a hearty breakfast (which also included veg eggs Benedict) we chilled near the pool area for a couple of hours, before another large lunch. We had a quick visit to the camps zoological tent with its maps and old bones before playing with the telescopes for a bit.

Soon enough it was 4pm and we gathered at the front of the camp for a game drive / sunset tour. Rakhee abstained from the trip as she was not feeling right. We saw a few animals – mostly giraffes and zebras, though there were a few buffaloes. It is much harder to see animals as there is a lot of bush, so your line of view is limited. After a while we went onto a proper dust track and headed towards the chyulu hills.

We actually ascended quite a bit to a forward camp that was set up on the hill, where we were served our selection of drinks. They opened up some canapés, and soon we had bees buzzing around us – apparently they can smell the water. Most of the group were running around like headless chickens avoiding the bees, until they set up a few sacrificial drinks on the side. The view was amazing as you could see all the small hills around and in the background – quite clearly, 2 of the peaks of Mt Kilimanjaro. We had plenty of time to relax before sunset when we took lots of shots.
We drove back in the dark – flashing torches to the side to see if we could see any nocturnal activity – unfortunately there were no animals around. Getting back to

camp, we got escorted to our rooms, freshened up and came back for dinner (stopping at the fire for a drink first). We ate upstairs where the telescopes are normally kept – which had been set up for a photo-shoot. They gave us some red light torches so we could eat in the dark, which we managed for a couple of the courses. For a while we had 4 people on their phones…. time to get a grip people.
After dinner we went back near the fire for a while, where Rishul and I tried to photograph stars, whilst having an after dinner drink, before we retired to our rooms for the night.
Tuesday 18th

We had decided to do a morning safari today, our last chance, so we had our wake up call at 5.30am, with some tea being placed in the room (though as usual I was awake earlier). We got ready, with the lovely view of the lake in the pre dawn light and headed to the camps entrance (accompanied). Rakhee had to give it a miss as was still not well.

Getting into the jeep we were on our way at 6.15am, with a bit of light around now. We spent a bit of time looking around the “watering hole”, seeing if we could see any predators. We saw a really big giraffe, which was right in the road staring us down. Some hyenas, and lots of zebra. After driving a bit we saw the elephants, first the females and children, and then the males – with a few with truly impressive tusks. The view of Mt Kilimanjaro was truly great from some of the spots, clear and massive.

We drove through some good off road tracks, past trees full of monkeys, until we eventually stopped in a large clear area. Here we got out and stretched out legs, whilst the guides removed to carrying cases, which contained china cups, tea and breakfast. There is something cool about having tea in china cups in the middle of the shrub with sounds of animals in the distance.

Heading back, we were on the lookout for our last of the big 5 – the leopard, but it seemed to elusive to see. Well nearly back at camp, we spotted one just on the lava stones near the road. It calmly walked around back up the hills, giving us ample time for photos. Going on the road to see if we could spot it again, we actually saw another one, ha smile on my face.

At the entrance to the camp, we took some photos of the entrance which is shaped to line up with one of Mt Kilimanjaro peak.Back at camp we indulged in breakfast – I got a eggs Benedict again. Talk about stuffed. We played with the telescopes a bit showing all they worked fine, just needed lining up, then we were treated to the “crocodile whisperer”. He was the head chef, and he called the crocodiles. He stood nearer the bank and threw a heavy stone so it reverberated on the ground, immediately a few of the crocs from the other side made a bee line to the source of the sound, with big ripples in the water. They approached the bank and then climbed out, plonking themselves near the edge. Soon enough (with a few more stones) there were half a dozen crocodiles not even 3m from us.

After this spectacle, we went to our rooms, to clear up and get ready for our departure. We settled up our park fees etc and then left at around 11.30. It took a little bit of time to get out of the park gate, as they questioned whether we paid. A few hours later of dusty roads, we were on the main Mobasa to Nairobi road. it all was going well until we were near Nirobi, where the traffic started building up. The original plan was to go to Surya Masis house, pick up the bags and then drop Rishul and Rakhee to the airport for their trip to Zanzibar. We altered that to go to the clinic and pick up some drugs for Rakhee. We got to the hospital closer to 7, where we had a one hour stop, as Rakhee was not feeling great. In the end Rishul changed the flight to the next day.
Getting back to Surya Masis, we had a nice simple meal, then Bhavni’s Kanti Mama and I did a drugs run for Rakhee. Getting back, my parents came over to see Rish and Rakhee and us. We after retired for the night.
Wednesday 19th

So the plan was to leave Rishul and Rakhee, to get a taxi to the airport this evening, whilst we left early to go to Nyeri. However, the girls decided to go beautify themselves at a hair place, so in the mean time I picked up parents from Dipuks house. We then had to wait for the girls to get back. So in the end we left at around 11.30. On the way we stopped in Thika, to go to someone’s house who mother had said she would try to, where we (after finding it) had some tea.

Carrying on, we got to Nyeri, for late lunch. All the children were around, with Rajvi and Anji. We had the said late lunch. My mother went to help out preparing food for tomorrow, while my father went by car to see the shop. Bhavni and I in the mean time got the children (reluctantly) together and walked to the shop. Slightly slower walking with the children, specially with Sanya trying to walk independently. We soon were at the shop, but Bhavnis father was not there after all that, so we walked back, via Bhavnis uncles shop. We managed to stop the children attacking the ice cream, then carried on our way back home.

Getting back the two fathers, and the children got in the car with me driving and we did a large round (in the end 60km), seeing some of the villages and towns around.
Getting back we got ready and headed to Sheila’s apartment complex for the pizza party
at the top. Miten and Bijal eventually arrived near 8pm, for some cake cutting and pictures.
After we took two cars to drop my parents and Miten and Bijal to Aberdare country club for the night. We got slightly lost on the way back as they were doing road improvements. (pity no one agreed to my suggestion as it was the correct one in the end).
Bhavni and I, after meeting at home, went to Sheila aunties house for the night
Thursday 20th

So I was up by 7am, and after getting ready, with Bhavni, we had a little bit of food – few were up, then went to the house. There was no need to rush as nearly everyone were still getting up. So instead of sending the driver our, Bhavni and I went to Aberdare country club to pick up mother. She was waiting for us, so after a brief drink of tree tomato juice, we went back, leaving father to go get a massage and go later with Miten and Bijal.
We dropped mother directly to the majanwari, then went home to help with the food at home, completing the deserts.

Bijals family all arrived in a big bus, and we served them dome food and drinks, entertaining until it was time to go to the majanwari. This turned out to be unusual as Bijals relatives helped serve food (where they were meant to be the guests). Bhavni and I gave out chocolates.Whilst Bhavni and I were helping Miten, Bijal and the crew went to Outspan for a while, but came back before we had a chance to help them. We then returned to the house and did some more entertaining until the bus load with Bijals relatives departed.

Miten was umming and ahhing about when to leave, but in the end stayed and had a light dinner with my parents and Nirav, leaving to go back at 7.30.
After they departed, we chilled for a bit then went with the parentage to Outspan hotel, for a coffee in front of a real fire, generally the hotel had gone downhill even since I have known it, they could not make a decent cup of tea for Bhavni. But the fire was nice.
After dropping parentage home, we went to sleep at Sheila’s house again, where there were people awake. But I had to retire a bit earlier.
Friday 21st
We awoke early to a grey day. We got ready and joined the guys for breakfast, before leaving and going to the house. We spent a bit of the morning chilling and not doing much, until Bhavni and the kids went shopping to buy shoes, whilst I went to the market for some supplies with Bhavni’s mother, for dinner and some fruit to have. Back at the house we had lunch, but there was too much going on, so in the end Bhavni and I took the children to Greenhills for entertainment. Neer played football, whilst Saanya and Prisha played on the swings. It was cold… but I still got my beer, and chilled reading, until all the children came and we had a couple of portions of chips.
Back at the house, I made dinner – Satay stir-fry with noodles – Adult and children versions, with Rajvi saying kids wont eat… Well I managed to get Neer to try after a while of persuasion, and soon enough Neer and Prisha had a bit. Only Saanya (as usual) would not comply.
After the rest of us ate, though one of Bhavni’s uncles would not eat it – even with me bullying him saying even the children ate.
After chilling in the evening, we went back to Sheila’s house to sleep the night.
Saturday 22nd

We woke to the sun shining today – thats a change. So after having breakfast we went to the house and packed our bags, which took a while as things needed rearranging a few times.
So after lunch, we went for a ride – all in one car – with the children and Anji in the boot. We went for a good drive to Nyeri Hills, as high as we could get (as right near the top, the road became 4×4 only). From here we had a great view of Mt Kenya, with only a bit of clouds near the peak. We showed the children (and the bigger kids) some of the crops and how they grow (eg maize, banana, tea and coffee).

After driving back, we had a bit of ice cream together, before Bhavni and I got ready and left – By this time with the last minuite things that always happens it was 5pm. Now with the road getting darker, we ended up getting lots of tail backs, with people driving 40kph (probably as they could not see) and the random delays with the zebra crossings on the freeway. All in all, it was a much longer journey back, with Miten wondering where we were, and having to rearrange dinner.
We arrived around 9pm at Surya Masis, and with Miten and Bijal waiting for us, went to a place called the Phanitian, where we met Bindal and Nirav and Yugna, for some tepenyaki. It was nice, but as usual filling.

After we all went to Art Cafe, meeting Kanti Mama, for a coffee. By the time we left it was nearly 1am – time for bed, But Miten had other ideas and took us to a place called Sizzle and Spice – against us protesting. This was because it was a sheesha parlour. Ok so an hour later after talking to some drunk people, we were out of there and back to Surya Masis for the last night.
Sunday 23rd
Waking up at 6.30, I had to knock on Mitens door to get him up, so we left by 7.30 for the airport. Weird having to get out of the car to walk past the security point. Well we checked in, then I managed to get back out of the airport and meet Miten and Bijal for a final coffee.
We went in and after security, sat in Java for the remainder of the time before the flight. The first leg to Istanbul was not bad – we had a spare seat in the middle. In Istanbul airport we had a bit of dessert and then a walk around all the shops we had blindly missed on our way to Kenya.
The flight to UK was much more annoying, first some family were sitting in our seats as they had been split up, which after would have been ok, but even after resolving, we had kicking children in front. Back in London, Minul picked us up.