1st October – 14th October

4th October

We finally decided to join the Video store near our house and rented “Salmon Fishing in the Yemen” and another one that turned out to be rubbish (so much so I don’t recall the name).

6th October

With Bhavni at work I decided to finally move the arial from the back of the house in our room to the front, joining the old wire with some new arial wire and having to borrow a ladder from Peter in 30. All this while dodging the rain outside. Wow Tv in the lounge – finally. After picking up Bhavni from work, we picked up a new stand to assemble for the tv, which we spent a couple of hours fixing.

7th October

Another day with Bhavni at work. I went to Drury again as Norm had suggested I should. I ended up flying with Norman, for a good hour, mostly with him in the front trying to take pictures on his phone. After we had packed away I left and it was good timing as I picked up Bhavni from work directly. I was in the mood for chips, so drove to Mission Bay and sat at the Cafe next to the one we had been to with Shamil, having bread and dips, Falafel with salad and a bowl of Chips. It was nice just relaxing and there were space heaters which really helped as it was a little chilly.

8th October

Bhavni was at home with me at work that day. After I got home we got ready and went to the swimming pool in New Market as Bhavni had some swimming classes to try. I got into the pool which was heaving with people around 6 and got out by around 7. The trouble was that I had not got any goggles on, so my eyes were red after, but Bhavni had a good lesson.

11th October

We decided to rent some movies from the video shop – Tower Heist (which we watched that evening) and Rum diaries.

Mata Mata12th October

I was on a gliding instructor course and Bhavni dropped me to Drury first thing in the morning, where Russel – who I had never met before – gave me a lift to Matamata airfield. It was a really nice day, and after the introductory lecture (and putting the glider together) we went and flew until late – I had two flight one in a K13 where I had way more hours on type then Tim (a CFI), and a Puchaz. Meanwhile Bhavni who had a day off, went into town and got her Visa transfered into her British passport.

13th October

Still at Matamata, we had a day of lectures as it was pouring with rain. Funnily enough Bhavni had to go on a transport to Tauranga which was just over the hills from where I was.

Diwali Food14th October

It was flyable again today, I was paired up with David Hurst, who basically said that this wont be a lesson flight, just a fun flight. So we had an hour on the ridge (dodging the rain a bit) and finishing with some aeros. We de-rigged around four and managed to be on hour way before 5pm. I helped out at Drury before Roy dropped me home.

It was around 7.30 by the time I was back, so with a quick change, Bhavni and I went to town for Divali festival that was taking place. We drove in and luckily found some parking close by. That is the most crowded I have seen Auckland and the most nuber of Indians here… There was a really crowed stage areoun, but we went for the food stalls having some Bhel Puri, Dhokra and Samosas, while waiting until 9pm when the fireworks went off. Not a bad display.

Getting home we watched “The Rum Diaries” which must have been good as Bhavni fell asleep.

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